Category: Cloud Computing

Smart Cities

There is a growing number of people that try to define a city to be “smart”: smart cities find ways to become more efficient, to deliver more services via mobile technology, to optimize existing infrastructure, and to leverage citizen participation to create better land-use decisions and to break down bureaucracy in order to stimulate a …

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“Mountains and salmon and coffee and rain” of Seattle

Tableau (DATA) is top on the economic news these days, thanks to the great success of its IPO, that even few days after keeps humming at +75% vs. the initial offering price – kudos! Well, ten years ago Tableau’s founders decided they needed a change of scenery and chose the “mountains and salmon and coffee and …

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Seattle startups ride cloud of innovation

Once again, an article describes that Seattle and its tech start ups are alive and kicking, and driving innovation and economic growth. Different from the past in fact,  the Valley’s been fretting about a slowdown in venture funding for consumer Web companies: “consumer behaviors are starting to ossify on the Web, and it is harder …

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Cloud economics

If you still debate if the “Cloud” is coming, or if it makes economic sense for you, you may look at the new whitepaper that Microsoft has published with its own results: Our analysis uncovers economies of scale for cloud that are much greater than commonly thought.  We believe that large clouds could one day …

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