Should European companies look West?

You know, east and west are only relative terms (my west is your east), but these days companies should really look at the new opportunities that technology and an economic crisis is offering them…
And it is very true that many Euro companies should challenge their localization, and see where growth awaits them.

TechCrunch discusses how many UK companies are now moving west (to the US, to the Valley). And yes, it hits home when they discuss how many companies do have a gut feeling that now is the moment they may look at this, and consider alternative opportunities.

West is always were everybody has been going (!) and the last stop is on the Pacific – California, the Valley and I suggest and promote Seattle and the Pacific North West.
Alternatively you may think east (China, the big opportunity…) but you may argue that the Pacific is well balanced in view of the Chinese market, and less scary.

What are the options these days?
I believe companies need to understand first how dependent they are of a specific market, and how the new cloud platforms represent the opportunity to de-localize from low growth markets….

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